10 tips for slurry spreading to reduce trouble

New year, old conflicts. In the meantime, slurry driving has also become an unpopular season in the countryside. Farmers are often confronted with a multitude of complaints. With this post, we hope to be able to give you some tips for a peaceful coexistence that suits all parties.
Compliance with the rules
According to the German Fertilizer Ordinance, slurry driving may only be performed outside the restricted periods. However, consideration is not the be-all and end-all for good neighborly relations. This is because, as a farmer and entrepreneur, it is not possible to pay attention to all of your neighbors requests. Therefore, inform the residents about periods in which increased slurry driving will take place or enter into a dialog with them about upcoming plans. Very important: This is not about "begging" for permission, but rather about communicative cooperation that builds on consideration and forbearance.
Inform your neighbors
What the farmer does not know, he does not do. It is often the same for your neighbors with your work. That's why it's important to inform those around you. For example, tell them why plants need to be supplied with valuable nutrients and how everyone benefits from this practice. This can be in via your circle of acquaintances or in your community, should you encounter ignorance. And who doesn't like a little chat?
Respecting the quite hours
The quite hours between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. must also be respected during slurry driving. In addition, however, minimal shortening of the quiet hours applies to farmers, which can be certified by special permits. Should differences nevertheless arise, it is helpful to remain in solidarity, to approach one another and to mediate in order to promote a peaceful relationship in the future.
Lights on in road traffic
Use modern technology to emphasize your consideration. Good lighting and sufficient light leads to significantly more safety on the road for you and those around you.
Avoid busy routes
Traffic jams are no fun for any driver. Adding to the odor and noise of already aggravated car drivers creates even more potential for tension on the road. To avoid conflicts in advance, it can make sense to avoid traffic junctions at commuter times. This also has a time-saving effect for slurry drivers and avoids delays.
Sundays and public holidays
On certain days, year after year, the family is invited into the garden for coffee and cake. It is well-known that spring only returns to the village when it smells of slurry. However, this does not quite fit in with the coffee talk. On appropriate Sundays and holidays, special consideration is therefore advantageous for peaceful coexistence.
Drive slowly and with foresight
If you are driving a heavy vehicle, it is especially important to pay attention to pedestrians, children and other people. It helps to drive slowly and in a controlled manner, as it is unpleasant for any pedestrian when someone drives by with a heavy vehicle. With enough caution, you can easily protect your surroundings as well as yourself. In addition, the volume is kept in check at a lower speed, which additionally relieves your surroundings.
Clean up extreme soiling on the road
If there is heavy soiling on the road during slurry driving, it is advisable to clean up the soiling promptly in order to prevent annoyance among residents. Sometimes it is enough to sweep away the manure with a broom after the last field run.
Stay informed
Regulations and technical developments can constantly change and evolve. It is worthwhile to stay informed about new developments in order to take appropriate action. Find out about your rights and the ordinances you must comply with in order to promote a healthy, positive coexistence in your community.
Learn about low-emission technology
Manufacturers like Vogelsang are committed to efficiently helping farmers and contractors comply with increasingly stringent regulations. Using the latest technology, such as the acidification of slurry with SyreN, it is possible to reduce emissions by up to 70 percent. After all, fewer ammonia emissions also mean fewer odor emissions.
In the end, it is important to note that while tips can serve as good suggestions, they are rarely fully implementable in reality. And they don't have to be, because farmers should of course act in an entrepreneurial manner, in addition to all possible prudence and integrity. But perhaps one or two tips were included that you would like to integrate into your daily work.
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