High quality made sustainable - energy and resource-saving production at Vogelsang
As a successful international company, Vogelsang GmbH would never simply boast about being a manufacturer of environmental technology – but it’s an irrefutable fact that Vogelsang products are often used in environment-related sectors and fields, or even specially developed for such purposes. We have machines and systems all over the world that help to make the collection and cleaning of waste water more energy-efficient. Vogelsang system components even help to improve efficiency in biogas plants, while spreading technology “Made by Vogelsang” ensures precise and environmentally friendly use of liquid manures in the agricultural sector.

A clear yes to the dribble bar system
Why Dirk and Hubert Schulze Roberg opted for Vogelsang dribble bar technology in response to the German law on fertilizers
On agricultural plants, the German law on fertilizers is making itself more evident than ever. In order to protect waters, vegetation and the environment, specifications on the spreading of liquid manure are
becoming increasingly stringent. Longer blocking periods are creating an increased demand for spreading technology since more work needs to be carried out in a shorter time.

Water 4.0
The digital revolution of waste water systems and its advantages
It’s known in Germany as “Industrie 4.0,” in France as “Industrie du future” and in the USA as the “Internet of Things (IoT).” Almost everyone has heard at least one of these buzzwords by now, and has a more or less accurate idea of what the fourth industrial revolution entails: Following on from mechanization, mass production and automation, we are now seeing an extensive computerization of production sequences and processes. The basis for this development is formed by structured, automated communication between people, machines, systems and logistics. The result will be a largely self-organized and flexible system that covers the entire value chain.

From waste to value
The RedUnit transforms tough food waste and by-products into pumpable media for further processing

A self-made woman - The story of equal opportunities at Vogelsang
From teacher to CEO - Maria Vogelsang-Verhülsdonk
When Maria Vogelsang-Verhülsdonk walks through the corridors at Vogelsang, she is proud of what she
has achieved in this company. With good reason, Maria Vogelsang-Verhülsdonk was awarded a prize
for her lifetime achievements in business in 2015 by the regional development association “Verbund Oldenburger Münsterland”. “The company is a role model for how a family-run business can be successfully developed.”

Millions in damage caused by wet wipes
Episode 1: How wet wipes turn into sewer monsters
Operators of sewage systems like waste water associations or municipalities have been facing a new challenge in recent times: More and more hygiene products and disposable cosmetic products are not thrown in the trash, they end up in the toilet and then in the sewage system.

Mineral fertilizer is a scarce commodity - this is the alternative
Germany is currently suffering from circumstances that are difficult to predict as far as future gas supplies are concerned. Private households fear power outages and industry is also suffering from the unpredictable situation. Consequently, gas prices are rising sharply, which is why mineral fertilizer production is becoming increasingly expensive. Due to the current situation, some fertilizer producers are even closing their factories. How can farmers and companies deal with the current mineral fertilizer crisis and why does liquid manure play a key role? We look at the sustainable solution of near-ground spreading technology and your opportunities for the future.

Partnership for plant optimization - manure in, profitability rises
Partnership for plant optimization: In Nohra, Vogelsang and Biocraft Nohra are working with partners from industry and research on the “FlexPump” project – a mixing concept for the flexible, efficiency-optimized and multifeedstock- capable operation of biogas plants.
Successfully marketing worthless items. Colloquially in German, one also likes to say: “Making money from sh**.” In Grammetal, they take this literally – and quite successfully, actually. There, animal excrement is
economically converted into energy in the biogas plant of Biocraft Nohra. The trigger for the change in the operating concept was rather unpleasant: the neighboring industrial company, which used the entire heat of the plant, closed its doors. They had to come up with something new. Now, their efforts have been impressively successful and, in addition, added value has been created for the environment and for regional farms.

Liquid feeding of your biogas plant - technology and benefits
A biogas plant provides an efficient, economical and sustainable method of generating energy. A particularly important aspect of the biogas plant is the digester feeding; this is decisive for the gas yield. But how does solid matter feeding suitable for bacteria work? The potential of “liquid feeding” is a widely discussed method in this context.
Using a state-of-the-art Vogelsang solid matter feeder, it is possible to prepare and mix solids with a liquid component in a particularly advantageous way. This treatment enables you to increase your gas yield and reduce your energy costs. How does this work and what technology can help you? Let’s take a closer look!